Upcoming EventsBoard Meetings
Next Meeting Homeowners will be able to find electronic copies of the management reports on the homeowner portal Schedule The Board of Directors usually meets on the fourth Monday of every month. If a quorum of Directors cannot be reached a meeting date may be changed. All Board Meetings are announced via Arbor Alerts in advance. To receive notice of Board Meetings and other Arbor news, we encourage all unit owners to subscribe to Arbor Alerts in the box to the right. Fairlington Arbor Management![]() As of 01 January 2024, Fairlington Arbor will be managed by National Realty Partners (NRP). Should you require assistance, there are several options available to you:
The Arbor office is located at: 3472 S. Utah St. #A1, Arlington, VA 22206 |
Arbor Alert Sign-UpFairlington Arbor Board of DirectorsPat Schoen, President president.fairlingtonarbor@gmail.com Doug Tipsword, VP Infrastructure vicepresident.fairlingtonarbor@gmail.com Ben Firehock, Treasurer treasurer.fairlingtonarbor@gmail.com Kevin Beyer, VP Community Affairs/Secretary secretary.fairlingtonarbor@gmail.com Joan Wadelton, VP Grounds memberatlarge.fairlingtonarbor@gmail.com |
Sewer Backup EmergenciesCall All Plumbing Company at: 703 525-7973 and identify yourself as a Fairlington Arbor resident. The Arbor is NOT responsible for any charges incurred. You might need to call Arlington County to schedule an interruption of water service to complete your repairs. Contact the county at 703.228-6555.
Important Contact InformationA-1 Towing: 703-416-0710
Abandoned Vehicles: 703-358-4144 Animal Warden: 703-931-9241 Arlington Police (non-emergency): 703-558-2222 Virginia Power: 866-366-4357 Fairlington Historical District: www.fairlington.org Arlington County Virginia: www.arlingtonva.us If you find errors or problems with this website, please contact the Arbor Secretary at: secretary.fairlingtonarbor@gmail.com. |
Trash CollectionDaily: Trash is collected Monday through Saturday, except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. Place SECURELY tied plastic trash bags outside your unit between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. Please do not place trash outside the night before. This attracts rodents and other animals.
Large Item Pick-up: Large items such as old furniture can be disposed of on the FIRST Saturday of each month. Bring the items to the designated drop-off point in your court. Recycling: Recycling receptacles for collecting plastic containers (#1 through #7), metal cans (aluminum & steel), and paper and cardboard are put out on Tuesdays and collected on Wednesday morning. Mixed glass is no longer accepted. Newspapers, mixed paper, catalogs, magazines should be secured in paper bags or tied up securely with string. Cardboard should be broken down and placed beside the recycling receptacles. |